

Self correcting counting cards - birds

Introduce your toddler to the numbers 1, 2, and 3 with self correcting counting cards. This activity falls under the Sensorial -> Math domain of Montessori education.

Directions: Download and print the PDF file below onto thick cardstock. Cut out the cards on the black lines.


Printable High Contrast Cards

Help your newborn develop their sense of sight with these high contrast, black and white cards. These are great to prop up when baby is having tummy time, laying in their crib, or to put on the seat that their car seat faces. Please remember that it is dangerous to hang things directly on a child’s car seat, so these should be firmly attached to the seat of the car

Directions: Download and print the PDF file below onto thick cardstock. Cut out the cards on the dotted lines. If you’re going to let your baby handle the cards instead of just look at them, it’s a good idea to laminate them.

Self correcting primary color cards - birds

Use real photographs of birds to teach your toddler about primary colors. Each self correcting cards can only be matched with its other half. This gives your child immediate feedback and increases independence and problem solving.

Directions: Download and print the PDF file below onto thick cardstock. Cut out the pictures, and then cut the pictures on the line.


Printable Constellations

This is the free printable that goes along with the DIY Constellation activity.

Directions: Download and print the PDF file below onto thick cardstock. Cut out the cards on. If your little one is rough on paper, it’s a good idea to laminate them.

Nomenclature 3 part cards - Planets

For younger toddlers, offer them the control card and the picture cards. For young children who are learning to read, present both the image and text along with the control card.

Directions: Download and print the PDF file below onto thick cardstock. Cut out the cards on the black lines.